~: Department of Psychiatric Nursing, College of Nursing :~

Psychiatric Nursing is an inevitable part of multidisciplinary team in treatment and rehabilitation of persons with mental disorders. Professional psychiatric nurses can effectively participate as care givers to the institutions and in the community for all persons ill or healthy. They also can play an effective role in the preventive aspects of mental health. However, there is an acute shortage of professional psychiatric nurses in the country. Therefore, National Mental Health program highlighted the need for establishing Post Basic Diploma (DPN) and Master Degree (M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing) courses to develop more mental health nursing professionals.

History of the College of Nursing, IOP-COE

Department of Psychiatric Nursing was formed in 2012 along with other two Departments – The Department of Clinical Psychology and The Department of Psychiatric Social Work with the objective to promote Mental health and to provide holistic care to individuals, families and communities. Department of Psychiatric Nursing is running Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) course established since 2011 and student admission in this course from 2014. The College of Nursing, IOP-COE has been reformed on 2018 from Department of Psychiatric Nursing; since then, M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing Course is also running. Now College is running under Govt. of W. B. Govt., with recognition of INC, WBNC, and affiliation of WBUHS. Both the courses M. Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing and DPN have yearly intake of 10 candidates. Our College of Nursing has been enlisted with the Govt. Nursing Colleges since 11/12/2020 under Govt. of West Bengal.


The vision of our College is to actively strive for excellence in Nursing education, practice, administration and research related to the mental health needs of the Individual, family and community.


  • To prepare Mental Health Nurses that they can provide quality, holistic nursing care to individuals suffering from mental illnesses.
  • To manage and supervise care of mentally ill patients in clinical and community settings.
  • To create mental health awareness among general population.
  • To teach allied health professionals, family members and communities in areas related to mental health.
  • To conduct research in the area of mental health nursing.


Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN)

This course is designed to offer advanced/ specialized education and clinical skills in Psychiatric Nursing for registered nurses (GNM or B.Sc. Nursing) in preventive, promotive and curative aspects of mental health/ illness. It is a full time 1 year course.

M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing

This course is designed to offer advanced/ specialized education and clinical skills in Psychiatric Nursing for registered nurses (Post Basic and Basic B.Sc. Nursing) in preventive, promotive and curative aspects of mental health/ illness. It is a full time 2 years course.


The Nursing College offers a wide range of clinical services through outpatient clinics, inpatient, emergency and community services. The general service runs 6 days a week between 9.00 am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday in which Psychiatric Nursing assessment and need based management of individuals and their family are being done.

Psychiatric Nursing Assessment:

Psychiatric Nursing assessment of Individuals and family, daily at least two case assessment per student.

Psychiatric Nursing Intervention:

    • For individuals: based on the Nursing diagnosis, interventions are planned and implemented.
    • Tasks like assisting in the activities of daily living, Orientation. Milieu planning, group and individual recreational and occupational activities; and helping in regaining their insight.
    • Counselling on medication compliance, sleep hygiene, nutrition and other needs.
    • Social skills training for patients with chronic mental problems.
    • Crisis management
    • Group therapy for mentally challenged children and their caregivers, children with ADHD and their parents, children with conduct disorder and their parents, persons with OCD and their care givers, persons with substance abuse and behavioral problems and their families along with others Departments.
    • Family guidance based on identified needs.


    • Follow up of chronic cases,
    • Assessment of occupational skills of patients along with occupational therapist,
    • Done scale up community outreach services at lease 3 to 4 yearly,
    • Assisting in indoor based occupational therapy.

Community Services:

    • Home visits for 3 ½ Months yearly by two batches of M. Sc. Nursing Students and DPN Students: For psychosocial assessment and intervention
    • Health education on various aspects related to mental health promotion and mental illness prevention
    • School health programs as adolescent life skills, parenting skills and teachers training on childhood psychiatric disorders.
    • Awareness program on geriatric mental health problem.
    • Community outreach program at ward No.71, KMC;558, Turf Road, Kolkata-25 and Domjur Rural Hospital and connected rural community
    • Field visits to different NGO like – half way home and Tertiary level Hospital.
    • Development of information, educational and communication (IEC) materials for community sensitization and education.
    • Development of information, educational and communication (IEC) materials and surveys done on COVID 19 related various issues.

Training and Man-power Development:

    1. One-year Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing (DPN) Course is running since 2014, recognized by INC and WBNC.
    2. Since 2018, M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing program has been started with yearly intake of 10 students recognized by INC and WBNC and WBUHS. The Diploma and M.Sc. in Psychiatric Nursing courses are running simultaneously now. INC Inspection has been done   for M.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing Course in March 2020. It was a first Inspection for M.Sc. Nursing and regular inspection for DPN course and given suitability for both the courses.
    3. All of the students of the 1st batch of M.Sc. Nursing (2018-2020) passed their 2nd year University Exam. successfully with cent
      percent result at first attempt with flying colors. It was a proud moment for all the Students and Faculties and also for our Institution.
    4. The 2nd batch of M.Sc. Nursing (2019-2021) students are waiting for their Final Exam result and they have been released on 30/09/2021.
    5. Now the 3rd batch of M. Sc. Nursing (2020-2022) students are waiting for their Final Exam.
    6. In DPN course, there are 5 students in this session January to December 2021 and for the next session, we have taken permission from all regulatory bodies and admission process is going on.  Govt has given TR facility provision for DPN 10 candidates, who will undergo this course for WBNC cadre and Private candidate will get stipend facility like every year (Rs 3000/- per month). Private Candidates of M.Sc. Nursing are also getting the same amount of stipend per month.

Special Activities:

    • Research work done on 16 topics under Mental Health Nursing by the students of m.sc nursing students of previous two sessions And Research work going on 19 topics in the sessions of 2020 – 2022 and 2021 – 2023.
    • Awareness programs for mental health at least 3 yearly at community Workshop yearly Community Mental Health Survey at least two yearly Health Talks at Indoor and Outdoor and Community.
    • One day visits done –
        • Paripurnata, Half-way Home, Kolkata
        • Lumbini Park Mental Hospital, 115, Dr Girendra Sarkar Bose Road, Picnic Garden, Kolkata – 700039.


    1. Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi
    2. NIMHANS, Bangalore
    3. Institute of Psychiatry-Center of Excellence,7, D.L khan Road, Kolkata-25
    4. Pavlov Mental Hospital, Kolkata
    5. Lumbini Park Mental Hospital, 115, Dr Girendra Sarkar Bose Road, Picnic Garden, Kolkata – 700039.
    6. Bangur Institute of Neurosciences,52/1a, Sambhunath Pandit Street, Gokhale Road, Bhowanipore, Kolkata -700020
    7. Trauma care Centre and ITU, SSKM Hospital
    8. For Community Mental Health Visit-Ward No.71, Kolkata- Municipal Corporation, 558 Turf Road, Kolkata-25
    9. Domjur Rural Hospital and attached sub centers Howrah.