Nursing Administration (Indoor Service)

Services Offered

The Department of Nursing, with its dedicated nursing staff, offers round the clock holistic and comprehensive services. Our services are multidimensional, aiming at preventive, promotive, curative & rehabilitative care in the hospital.
The nursing department maintain the following hierarchy for better management of patient care: a) Nursing Superintendent b) Deputy nursing Superintendent c) Sister In-Charge d) Staff Nurse & e) Hospital Assistant.
All the staff have gone through UKIERI-III training programme. Staff have developed therapeutic communication skills by which a trustworthy relationship is developed with the patient and patient can easily expresses their feelings and emotions which enhances their coping capacity in the ward and prevent escalation of aggression and violence.
Other skills that nurse has developed is observations skills by which they can identify triggering points & early warning signs.
De-briefing proforma is also developed to analyse a critical event that occurred and to facilitate an improved outcome next time.

Indoor Activities

Morning starts with devotional songs. Health talks on various topics such as Health Hygiene Sleep, medication, mental health, given to the patients. Through addressing system, health awareness programme is done for outdoor patient particularly during Covid situation. Group activities like making Jute mat, jute bag, painting flowers vase, embroidery on cloth for making handkerchief, making greeting card and paper bag. All patient participate in cultural activities like dancing, singing, recitation .Patients play indoor games like carrom, ludo passing the ball, football ,chinesechekers. Msc,,Bsc ,GNM nursing students from different training institutions, comes here for clinical experience in Mental health.

Following Structural activity schedule is maintained every day for inpatients from morning to night:

Indoor Activities Morning to Night


Clinical Experience For Psychiatry

Activities in our Indoor

Morning Prayer
Morning Exercise
Recreational Activities
Dining Area