Mrs. Anjana Hazra


Mail ID –

Designation- Assistant Professor

Qualification: M. Psychiatric (Mental Health)Nursing

Experience: 27 years 5 months

  • Clinical experience 19 yrs. 5 months,
  • Teaching experience – 8yrs. 10 months


  • Attended Work shop on Educational Technology and AIDS
  • Attended Various TOT program at Community level such as MAA, IMNCI, ANC and PNC Leprosy Training etc.
  • Attended workshop program on substance use disorders on 2014
  • Attended one day orientation program on Psychiatry Emergency at NRS Medical college and Hospital-2015
  • Attend Conference of SOMI on women empowerment in Nursing
  • Attended SOMI, SNA and TNAI conference on February and May.

Special Activities done-

Mental Health Day celebration on 10th October 2018 as a member of organizing Committee – attended Rally with Banners, Festoons, relevant Posters from Hazra to SSKM/ IOP.

  • Mental Health Day celebration on 10th October 2019 as a member of organizing Committee –attended Rally with Banners, Festoons, relevant Posters from IOP via Shambhu Nath Pandit Street to SSKM OPD.
  • Suicide Prevention Day celebration 2018 & 2019 – attended
  • In 2021, online webinar ‘Nationwide capacity building of nursing professionals for comprehensive management of covid-19 in children’ organized by Directorate General of Health Services, MoHFW, Government of India, in collaboration with ECHO India.
  • IN 2021, 3-days workshop on Research Methodology “The Mapping Strategy of Research” organized by M.Sc. Nursing Students ofB. Govt. College of Nursing, SSKM Hospital.

Areas of Research:

Nursing Research done

A study to assess the knowledge and skill of home care givers of depressive patients who are attending the psychiatric OPD of N.R.S Medical College & Hospital.

Professional Affiliation: TNAI

Areas of Interest: Poetry, Recitation