Ms Gita Purkait


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Designation-  Acting Principal Cum Associate Professor

Qualification – M. Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing

Experience: Ms. Gita Purkait has participated in many national and international conferences and training programs.

Among those on Psychiatry-

Participated in-

  • In 2013,3 days ISPN National conference on prevention and management of Tobacco Addiction in India
  • In 2014,1 day continuing Nursing Education program on” Mental Health Nursing Emergencies” in 2014.
  • Speech given on Workshop on Process Recording
  • Organized two Workshops,
  • Done BLS (Basic Life Support) and ACLS (Advanced Life Support) training two times from R. N. Tagore Hospital and B. M. Birla Heart Research Centre, Kolkata,
  • In 2021, online webinar ‘Nationwide capacity building of nursing professionals for comprehensive management of covid-19 in children’ organized by Directorate General of Health Services, MoHFW, Government of India, in collaboration with ECHO India.
  • Participated as a speaker and chief organizer in the 5 days monthly Training and orientation program for 62 Govt staffs of different mental hospitals on “Management of Psychiatric Patients and Human Rights aspects” held at Institute of Psychiatry-COE, from the month of February to June 2018.
  • Speaker on Bi- centenary Celebration Programme in Institute of Psychiatry – COE on scientific paper presentation – “A Study of the Stress experienced and Coping Strategies adopted by the Mothers of Children Suffering from Leukaemia in a selected Hospital at Kolkata.” On 10/12/2017.
  • IN 2021, 2-days workshop on ‘Human Research Methodology’ at WBUHS on 28/10 & 29/10.

Attended in

  • Attended TNAI Conference
  • Attended many National and International Conferences and Workshops,
  • Attended International Conferences Organized by TNAI
  • Attended Annual National Conference on Nursing Research Society of India.

Special Activities done-

  • Every year we are attending routinely Kolkata Book Fair along with DPN and M. Sc. students, preparing Posters/ Charts and handouts/ pamphlets for the general public awareness regarding mental health.
  • Mental Health Day celebration on 10th October 2018 as a member of organizing Committee – attended Rally with Banners, Festoons, relevant Posters from Hazra to SSKM/ IOP; organized Role Play by faculties and nursing students, Posters and health talks competition, given speech and all.
  • Mental Health Day celebration on 10th October 2019 as a member of organizing Committee –attended Rally with Banners, Festoons, relevant Posters from IOP via Shambhunath Pandit Street to SSKM OPD; organized Role Play by faculties and nursing students.
  • Suicide Prevention Day celebration 2018 & 2019 – coordinated the Programs and given speeches.
  • 4 Days Kolkata Mental Health fair from 09/01/2020 to 12/01/2020 – hosting the whole program and given lecture on “Tips to be Mentally healthy”.

Areas of Research: Nursing Research Done (Published) at ISPN Journal 2018- A Study of the Stress experienced and Coping Strategies adopted by the Mothers of Children Suffering from Leukaemia in a selected Hospital at Kolkata

Professional Affiliation

  • Life Member of TNAI and ISPN (Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses) at Professional level

Areas of Interests: Music, Tourism, Curiosity to gain new knowledge.